On October 21, 1948, the Organization Certificate was signed by the following charter members: James C. Boerner, Edward J. Eckart, Edward M. Schriver, Sylvan J. Schneider, Jr., Edward Wagner, Eugene F. Jasper and Norbert A. Gorrell. The field of membership was limited to Subiaco and the area within a 5 mile radius. The Organization Certificate was approved by the Bureau of Federal Credit Unions on December 8, 1948. The Subiaco Federal Credit Union was born. Now the real work began, to sell the credit union idea to the people of the community.
The mission of a credit union is to provide and promote the use of a variety of financial services which feature particular benefits and advantages over those generally available from other banking sources, with specific intent of helping members gain some particular measure of personal financial success.
When legislation or bankers' lawsuits attack any credit union, it's an attack on all credit unions. Your Credit Union proudly protects members' right to join and participate in their not-for-profit financial cooperative.